Saturday, February 21, 2009

Finding Your Prime

I'm always collecting quotes that I like. The other day I saw a quote that I didn't like: the author said that we must be aware of our prime. I started thinking about "my prime" and figured it must have been my 20s. Then I started thinking, my prime in what? And I decided that there is no prime. There are days and nights and there is each moment within those that makes up life. We can do something brilliant on a good day and the next not even remember ever doing anything brilliant. I think our prime is when we know the greatness there is in our life right now: the awe that is just part of being alive, now, in this place, with these people, in this body. In our world we have freedom to move from place to place, buy a cup of coffee, listen to our breath, our heart beating, the rain falling.... One moment at a time. That's being in our prime. That's the now of living. Writing this has been another prime moment in my life of living.